D&D 5E Homebrew: Leechlings 1.0

Eva Cantor
2 min readOct 1, 2018


This is my first experience with really codifying any homebrew stuff and I really enjoyed it, so I think it’s going to be something I do a lot more of going forward!

Leechlings are a really fun idea I had after wanting a specific kind of Underdark-inhabiting NPC. As the title implies, they’re kind of in a 1.0 state and I think playable, but there are some things I want to touch up in a sort of 1.5 update that’s yet to come.

  • Probably not subraces, but I’m gonna think about it!
  • In lieu of subraces, racial feats that offer always-on benefits in addition to something that enhances the Haematophagy mechanic while also providing enhanced customisation.
  • A deeper dive on the lore, lifestyle, and overall specifics of leechlings!
  • General aesthetic improvements!

Again, I want to thank the VERY COOL Fiship for offering to let me use their extremely cute Leech Queen!



Eva Cantor

Noted economist, conspiracism and Jeb Bush expert, occasional podcast crasher, and online crank.